Thursday, January 10, 2008

Public Space in Ahmedabad

Ah, India. I must relearn everything I thought I understood about society, public space, private-ness of people, general mannerisms, customs. I must be vigilant of rickshaws and scooters that might run me over at any time; if there are traffic laws, no one follows them. The noise is incessent, relentless honking of horns day and night is all I hear. The air is thick with smoke, incense and something like black pepper or spice. Everything has a layer of dust, even trees, so that everything seems a bit too brownish. Color pops in various forms- women's saris, flourescent pink dye splattered on the street from making kites, or a peek into a home where a shrine is arranged with tinsel and painted idols.
I've seen so much already. I'm on sensory overload. It's too soon to reflect on all of this. Some notes on public space and society: Public space is not cared for; it's tolerated as is and is deteriorating everywhere. People are very protective of their possessions, family and homes so they are well-kept, clean, and decorated.
I'll post pictures when I find a "cyber cafe" that has a computer with a USB port.


Mia said...

seriously, dude... when you come back, we have to go for a coffee so you can tell me all about india. i'm so jealous...i hope i can go this summer. and your blog...that's EXACTLY what i want...system overload...too much absorption.

Mia said...


hk said...

I won't be at the Taj for another 2 weeks... I'll let you know. I have a hotel within a 5 minute walk and I plan to wake up early (it's so easy to get up early here with all the noise) and photograph the Taj at sunrise. (also beat the crowds) You will love it here. It will blow your mind!