Tuesday, January 15, 2008

On the Road: Rajastan

Early morning bus ride through Rajastan from Udaipur to Jodhpur. The landscape changes from green to brown, and farm to desert. But even in the rocky desert where everything seems dead, people work patches of bright green in the valleys where they can channel a bit of water for irrigation. It's a hard life living in such an inhospitable environment.


Richard_Alomar said...

The photos showing your route from Ahmedabad to Amdarad to Rajastan are quite dramatic. Bright color gives way to stone and then dirt roads.

Water plays a role in what can be grown and what can be built. Do you think that the proximity and availibility of water leads to a "richer" community life?

Is the hard living also a hard oulook on life?

Mia said...

neat! how is communication with people there?

hk said...

I'm just amazed at how many people can actually live here in the desert. It seems their lives are repetitive because they need to work to survive. Some homes are beautiful though and I think they are happy. But many others are so poor with torn tents for homes that it looks like each day is more of a struggle than a human being should not have to deal with. I would estimate that about 10% of the 1 billion people of India are leading this kind of life.