The fragile ecology of the nation of Tuvalu coupled with frequent natural disasters and rising sea levels due to climate change, is causing strife for its citizens. In line with the country’s master plan to promote sustainable living, this project is for the design of an Eco-House, and Educational Center for the small atoll island nation of Tuvalu as a demonstration of living/working without use of fossil fuels, while preserving the natural environment, and growing and harvesting one’s own food and water. Expanded to a national scale, Tuvalu’s goal is to become a living example for other countries who want to exist carbon neutral and mitigate global warming.
Although mitigation efforts may seem in vain, the country’s strong desire to go carbon neutral suggests a resilience and openness to change in order to set an example for other nations that strive to reduce global warming. The House will be a physical manifestation of human life harmonious with the land and water. The powerful combination of solar energy, replenishing water systems, and food production in a single dwelling is sure to stimulate the public. This can create real ways to empower the citizens to adopt more ecologically sound ways, and to believe that the land can in fact provide sustenance when tended to. This is important for the survival of the indigenous Tuvaluan population.
The world needs sustainable living examples in microcosm in order to implement in larger countries. As a small, isolated island nation, Tuvalu is an appropriate candidate for this project and the timing could not be more urgent.